






Keep the journal idea, but ditch the length and write down just a sentence or two each day to record your most prominent memories. You might think such short entries aren’t enough to make any difference in your life, but Rubin insists that this idea is both manageable and impactful. “One sentence is enough. When I look back on it years later, that one sentence really does keep memories vivid—it really does bring back the past—which is one of the things you really want a journal to do,” she says.

One sentence is easy enough. It takes the pressure off, but it still helps you reflect. It might not have as much of an impact as a long writing session, but it at least helps you stick to the habit. Plus, once you write that one sentence, you might find yourself inspired to keep going. (Can Just a Sentence a Day Make You Happier?という記事からの引用)

ということで、日記のコンセプトを採用するが、たくさん書く必要はありません。毎日、「目立った思い出」(”most prominent memories”)について、1〜2行(1 to 2 sentences)だけでも十分です。とりあえず、ワン・センテンスからスタートしてみませんか。(もちろん、日本語や、他の言語でもいいでしょう。)

If you do start an English journal, here’s one more suggestion.


私は以下のようなMoleskine(モレスキン)のクラシックノートブックが好きですが、キャラクター付きのlimited editionもあるようです。皆さんの好みに合うのはどちらでしょうか。



Keep a “Single Sentence Journal” if You Don’t Have Time to Write(ライフ・ハッカー)

Can Just a Sentence a Day Make You Happier? Science suggests this ultra-simple ritual can help you squeeze more enjoyment out of your life.(Inc.com)

Write a Diary in English ← 英語日記を書きたい方々を応援するサイト
